Dear Mr. Reich,
I’m sure you remember your article:
But have you seen this? Bangalore has overtaken Silicon Valley as a techie center.
I know of former textile workers here in the New Bedford area who, 4 years ago, were unemployed by companies who could no longer compete with Chinese textiles. They went back to school on retraining programs and chose the computer industry. Now they are back at square one, as the computer industry has become the newest casualty of deregulated industry and monetary manipulation by foreign governments.
While this hemorrhage of IT sector jobs apparently is not enough to make you lose any sleep, it is not the trickle or insignificant amount you imply in your article (“First, the number of high-tech jobs outsourced abroad still accounts for a tiny proportion of America’s 10-million-strong IT workforce” and “Second, even as the number of outsourced jobs increases, the overall percent of high-tech jobs going abroad is likely to remain relatively small”). Both these points are simply untrue. Your third point is simply stupid: “There’s no necessary limit to the number of high-tech jobs around the world because there’s no finite limit to the ingenuity of the human mind. And there’s no limit to human needs that can be satisfied.” You have waved away the problem because, apparently in your fevered mind, tech jobs are as infinite as the stars.
I have no idea how someone with logic and facts as weak as yours ends up in a first-class university, but wonders never cease.
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