The golden days of Summer are for days at the beach. And days at the beach mean sunscreen, proper hydration, a snack, sunglasses, and a good book to read. But if you’re like me, you may be running out of thrillers. But no worry! We’ve got some great recommendations of fiction from – yes! – the FBI. But first some context.
In recent days, the Norway shootings have revealed a huge number of connections with American hate groups and so called Islam experts. Despite the huge number of these groups, Department of Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano took it on the chin from right-wingers last April for suggesting it even exists. The Southern Poverty Law Center and former DHS investigator Darryl Johnson have written that Napolitano caved to right-wing criticism and dismantled a unit responsible for investigating home-grown terror in 2009. A report by CNN’s Anderson Cooper recently revealed that one of the many “Islam experts” feeding at the government trough who has trained DHS employees, Walid Shoebat, is a complete fraud. Congressman Peter King is still running his McCarthyite hearings on American Muslims, and instead of focusing on real terror, national paranoia has now led to effectively ignoring domestic threats and instead demonizing one of our own religious communities. It all sort of reminds me a bit of the obsession with Jews by the Jüdische Abteilung of the Nazi bureaucracy.
But, people! There’s a silver lining in all this rain! A recent Freedom of Information Act request forced the disclosure of a PowerPoint and other materials the FBI used to train agents on dealing with Muslims. The materials themselves, as well as the recommended readings, are fascinating in a crude, reptilian sort of way – in their demonization of Muslims by the authors, many of whom, it turns out, know bupkus about Islam or have their own axe to grind. If you want some exciting fiction, ladies and gents, it doesn’t get any better or more fictional than this!
So without further ado, here is the FBI’s recommended Summer Reading List on The Evil Moozlim Threat:
The Arab Mind (Raphael Patai)
“The book came to public attention in 2004 after investigative journalist Seymour Hersh writing for the New Yorker magazine revealed that the book was ‘the bible of the neocons on Arab behavior’ to the effect that it was the source of the idea held by the US military officials responsible for the Abu Ghraib scandal that ‘Arabs are particularly vulnerable to sexual humiliation’.”
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (Robert Spencer)
This book should simply be titled “The Incorrect Guide to Islam” because it is a hack job by someone who lacks any academic qualifications in Islamic studies. This book’s many similarities to “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” should not be overlooked by librarians.
The Truth about Muhammad (Robert Spencer)
Karen Armstrong sums up this one best: “Like any book written in hatred, his new work is a depressing read. Spencer makes no attempt to explain the historical, political, economic and spiritual circumstances of 7th-century Arabia, without which it is impossible to understand the complexities of Muhammad’s life. Consequently he makes basic and bad mistakes of fact. Even more damaging, he deliberately manipulates the evidence.”
The Quran Itself
No doubt included for those who want to selectively hunt the Qu’ran for suspicious passages.
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam (Yahiha Emerick)
Of this appropriately-titled book, one reviewer wrote: “Throughout the book Yahya Emerick seems to be getting his information from modern fringe scholars who are not representive of the majority in Islam. Many of the ‘reformers’ he mentioned and praised were founders of extremist movements and many people believe these men caused a lot of damage to Islam. I personally do not think Mr. Emerick is qualified to say many of the things he does, I think he should have co-authored the book with a recognised mainstream scholar. There are also many other things, and then some of the information about shias is very incorrect, I am not shia but I found the ignorance about the shia side of Islam offensive. I personally could not give this book to a non muslim because of the errors and minority views it contains…”
Islam and Terrorism (Mark Gabriel, PhD)
From the blurb: “After earning a Ph.D. in Islamic history, Mark A. Gabriel became convinced that Muhammad did not speak for God. His search for truth led to the love of Jesus Christ, as well as complete rejection from his family and two attempts against his life by political fundamentalists. Now pursuing a Ph.D. in world religion at a Christian university, he speaks and writes about the true nature of Islam with the non-emotional accuracy of an academician. As a reflection of his new life in Christ, he has chosen a Christian name to replace his Islamic name.” Objective?
Milestones (Sayyid Qutb)
Qutb’s book is hopefully intended as an introduction to political Islamism, not as a serious study of how most Muslims look at society, particularly European and American Muslims. From an NPR program on Qutb: “Egyptian writer and educator Sayyid Qutb spent the better half of 1949 in Greeley, Colo., studying curriculum at Colorado State Teachers College, now the University of Northern Colorado. What he saw prompted him to condemn America as a soulless, materialistic place that no Muslim should aspire to live in. Qutb’s writings would later become the theoretical basis for many radical Islamic groups of today — including al Qaeda. Qutb increasingly saw the redemption of Egypt in the application of Islamic law.” About as representative of all Muslims as reading – oh I don’t know – Che Guevara.
Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands (Terri Morrison and Wayne Conaway)
Why this book is included is anyone’s guess.