As a theater lover, a Jew, and a political junkie, I read David Mamet’s first book, “The Wicked Son,” a couple of years ago. The book’s title refers to the telling of the Passover story, in which the “wicked son” asks what Passover means “to you” – demonstrating that he has distanced himself from the Jewish community. Mamet then proceeds to present the most hardline version of Zionism which, if you disagree with even a point of his extremist views, qualifies you as a Self-Hating Jew. So, besides being the author of the misogynistic piece “Oleanna” I already knew him to be a right-wing shmuck.
But now David Mamet has outed himself as a Self-Hating Jew. And I mean exactly, precisely, literally that. He hates Jews. And he was only too happy to bloviate about his apparently stupid co-religionists on a fundamentalist Christian television show. Listen to this embarrassing, shameful performance yourself:
In the clip, Mamet is on Pat Robertson’s show, 700 Club, to flog his new book, “On the Dismantling of American Culture,” which tries to sell the same themes as disgraced German economist Thilo Sarrazin’s book “Deutschland schafft sich Ab” (“Germany Does Away With Itself”) and Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik’s manifesto – namely, that (like Breivik and Sarrazin’s Europe) “America is a Christian country. Its Constitution is the distillation of the wisdom and experience of Christian men, in a tradition whose codification is the Bible.” Mamet’s book contains a number of other fundamentalist prescriptions similar to Breivik’s: feminism has emasculated men, global warming is a hoax, multiculturalism is evil, and Obama is a “one-worlder.”
In his previous Zionist screed, only Jewish Two Staters or those sympathetic to rights of Palestinians drew his ire. But this time around, in today’s interview with Robertson, Mamet blasted away at Jews in general. “My people, the Jews, have a lot to answer for” over their support for Obama. Robertson asks, “Do you think the Jews are ever gonna wake up?” Mamet answers that Jews in general always wake up too late.
I suppose that was the answer and the opportunity that Robertson had been waiting for all along: Damned Jews; Why don’t they just embrace Jesus while there’s still time?
David Mamet was only too happy to help make Robertson’s point.
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