By now most people know that Donald Trump announced (via Jeff Sessions) that the DACA program will end in six months. Trump’s decision overturns one by Barak Obama to provide temporary protections for “childhood arrivals” in the absence of a permanent legislative solution. Since 2001 the DREAM Act has foundered in Congress, and today’s

Cancellation of DACA passes the buck to Congress to pass its own Dreamer legislation

In addition, Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders appeared to admit that

Preserving DACA is a form of extortion designed to preserve Trump’s unnecessary and unpopular wall

Read up on the DREAM Act Legislation itself:

S.1291, the original DREAM Act was introduced in 2001 by Orrin Hatch

Senators Durbin and Graham reintroduced a new DREAM Act on July 20 2017

Text of S.1615 – the new DREAM Act (2017)

Text of H.R.3440 – the House version of the new DREAM Act (2017)


Petitions, legislative contacts, information and conference calls:

ACLU PeoplePower

FCNL Conference Call

FNCL Petition to Restore Protections

Here to Stay – Top 5 Things to

MIRA Coalition – What you can do as a DREAMer – or ally

Our Revolution


This month things are heating up in Congress. Stay awake and pay attention:

Congress’s Packed September Agenda

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