Hell yeah, I want a COVID passport! But, like everything right now, many people’s brains have been switched off and they’re doing most of their deep thinking with their other end.
The Kentucky Libertarians say COVID passports are exactly like the yellow Stars of David that Jews had to wear during the Holocaust.
In Britain, after recklessly avoiding social distancing and masks in order to obtain herd immunity — and in the process ending up with one of the worst COVID mortality rates in the world — many Britons are now opposed to COVID passports as “divisive” or at odds with “British instinct.”
Obviously not the survival instinct. But mainly it’s sour grapes. if they don’t want a vaccination then you can’t have one.
Next in the parade of fools is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis: “It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society,” DeSantis said.
Who ever said Florida had a normal society? Too bad DeSantis doesn’t feel the same way about formerly incarcerated people having to show proof they’ve paid off court debts in order to vote.
QAnon and Stop the Steal have also jumped on COVID passports as a World Health Organization (WHO) globalist plot. Representative Without Committees Marjorie Taylor Green says a COVID passport should be called “Biden’s Mark of the Beast” and she has promised not to comply.
One Forbes magazine writer fears that COVID passports will lead to global inequality if worker mobility is restricted. Apparently nobody told him that there are already blanket restrictions on who can travel between countries.
A COVID passport simply shows that you’ve had your shots and that you pose a low risk to others. This is why the International Air Transport Association (IATA) is creating a COVID passport for air travel. It’s really about this simple: if you haven’t had a shot I don’t want to sit next to you on a long flight right now.
Sure, COVID has turned the world upside down. But let’s not imagine that proof of vaccination represents creeping authoritarianism in some new dystopia. We’ve had vaccination passports for years. You can’t get into India without a full set of vaccinations. And speaking of India — in 1958, after spending several years there as a child, the US wouldn’t let me return without proof I’d had a Smallpox vaccination. You can see my “Smallpox passport” in the image below.
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