How they voted on S.2693

First line

It’s hard to know what Massachusetts Democrats really believe in — besides power. One would be hard-pressed to find a lot of concern for racial justice. MassDems certainly don’t believe in immigrant rights, or they would have supported the Safe Communities Act. They don’t believe there is a problem with Native American mascots or a racists state flag, or they would have decisively fixed both by now. Recently the MassDems overwhelmingly re-elected a party chair who will keep steering the party toward the rocks of irrelevance and decline. When the 420-member state Democratic committee did so, it also rejected two challengers who had both pledged to make the party truly more diverse.

Massachusetts Democrats show unquestioning support for police and correctional officer unions — even the Trump-iest among them, the Massachusetts Correctional Officers Federated Union, got one progressive senator to file legislation to give officers a $100 million raise. No, what keeps legislators up at night is the nightmare that prosecuting bad cops for murdering people of color will somehow undermine police morale.

No surprise, then, that Massachusetts Democrats removed ending Qualified Immunity (impunity) for police from a Police Accountability bill that just barely survived being deep-sixed by the Massachusetts House.

If this isn’t bad enough, Bristol County’s Democratic House Representatives are among the worst of the Democratic Party’s morally-flexible do-nothings.

Thanks to Progressive Mass we can view the results of the December 2nd vote on the Police Accountability bill, S.2693, which now awaits Governor Baker’s signature. Of 14 representatives from Bristol County, only six voted for Police Accountability — even after Qualified Immunity had been stripped from the bill.

What was so wrong with a POST Commission that professionalizes and certifies police officers? What was so upsetting about giving school superintendents discretion to decide whether they want SROs in their schools instead of letting police chiefs decide? The legislators won’t say — only that they get most of their information from the police.

Below is a table of how Bristol County legislators voted.

Remember their names when they ask for your vote in 2022.

Legislator** Party, District S.2693
Rep. F.Jay Barrows Republican, 1st Bristol No
Rep. Carole Fiola Democrat, 6th Bristol No
Rep. Steven Howitt Republican, 4th Bristol No
Rep. Christopher Markey Democrat, 9th Bristol No
Rep. Norman Orrall Republican, 12th Bristol No
Rep. Elizabeth Poirier Republican, 14th Bristol No
Rep. Paul Schmid Democrat, 8th Bristol No
Rep. Alan Silvia Democrat, 7th Bristol No
Rep. Antonio Cabral Democrat, 13th Bristol Yes
Rep. Carol Doherty Democrat, 3rd Bristol Yes
Rep. Patricia Haddad Democrat, 5th Bristol Yes
Rep. James Hawkins Democrat, 2nd Bristol Yes
Rep. Christopher Hendricks Democrat, 11th Bristol Yes
Rep. William Straus Democrat, 10th Bristol Yes
Sen. Marc Pacheco Democrat, First Plymouth and Bristol No
Sen. Walter Timilty Democrat, Norfolk, Bristol and Plymouth No
Sen. Michael Brady Democrat, Second Plymouth and Bristol Yes
Sen. Paul Feeney Democrat, Bristol and Norfolk Yes
Sen. Mark Montigny Democrat, Second Bristol and Plymouth Yes
Sen. Rebecca Rausch Democrat, Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex Yes
Sen. Michael Rodrigues Democrat, First Bristol and Plymouth Yes

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