A Culture of Hate and Violence

On Saturday, October 7th, from 5-6:30pm the City of New Bedford’s Department of Community Services and the Asian Pacific Law Students Association at UMASS Law will present a roundtable discussion on community building. The disussion will center around the story of Vincent Chin, whose case sparked the Asian-American civil rights movement depicted in the film Vincent Who?

Speakers include Martin Bentz from the Islamic Society of Southeastern MA, and Thomas Curnalia and Jared Picchi from Human Rights Clinic.

For more information, contact Mali Lim at 508-961-3020 or email mali.lim@newbedford-ma.gov.

Download the event flyer here.

In case you’re curious about Vincent Chin, some context:

Who Is Vincent Chin? The History and Relevance of a 1982 Killing

Why Vincent Chin Matters

The Case Against Vincent Chin

* * *

Unrelated to Vincent Chin – except perhaps for our national dedication to violence – was Sunday night’s massacre in Las Vegas. It should not come as a surprise to anyone that it was a resident of Mesquite, Nevada – the state with the most lax gun laws in the country – who could assemble enough paramilitary firepower to create this kind of carnage.

In 2013 I snapped this photo in the Las Vegas airport. In Nevada, apparently, machine guns are just a part of the culture – a culture of violence.

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