In our own backyard (#002)

Once again, politics are local – and here are some political things of interest right in our own backyard.

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If you are a Massachusetts Democrat, check out Kate Donoghue’s Democratic Dispatch. This has many items of interest, typically Boston-centric, but her recent letter contains much good advice for people interested in jumping into state politics.

Donoghue’s Democratic Dispatch

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Now for the really good stuff – the upcoming town caucuses. The following comes from Our Revolution, Bernie Sanders’ progressive organization (I hope others of you will join).

Over the coming weeks, the Dartmouth Democratic Party will be convening to decide who shall represent the people of Massachusetts at the 2017 Massachusetts Democratic State Convention as Delegates and Alternates. These are positions which can help decide important decisions for the future of the party, such as platform and rules.

Click here to find your local town committee.

You have an opportunity to participate in this election (or even run for a Delegate or Alternate position yourself!) by turning up at your local caucus:

At the 2017 caucus, delegates and alternates will be elected to represent the people of Massachusetts at the Massachusetts State Convention.

In order to qualify to vote, you need to:

  • Be registered to vote at your current address, and within the Democratic Party, by the time of your meeting. If you are unsure of your registration status, you can go here to check. If you need to register to vote, or update your current registration, you can do so here: if you register last-minute, be sure to bring proof that you have registered with you to the meeting.
  • Be present at the caucus at the date and time listed (see caucus lists). There is no absentee or proxy voting.
  • Be at least 18 years old by September of 2018.

No one shall be denied admittance (even people not registered to vote may observe), and no one shall be required to pay any fee to participate or vote.

If you would like to run as a Delegate or Alternate…

  • Indicate your interest to run when you arrive, so your name can be included on the ballot.
  • You will be allowed to make a two minute speech, and distribute materials to promote your candidacy, so come prepared!
  • Though each candidate will be voted on individually, you can join with friends and fellow volunteers to create a slate of candidates with shared goals and platform policies, and campaign together.
  • If you were not elected as a delegate by the caucus and are a person with disabilities, a minority or youth, you are eligible to apply to the Democratic State Committee for selection as an add-on delegate.
  • If you are elected, you will either need to pay a $75 fee to the state party by April 7th to receive your credentials to the State Convention, or submit a low income fee waiver form. Waiver forms will be available after the caucus. If you run, but are not elected, no fee will be charged.

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