
We no longer have a balance of power in our tripartite form of government, and you can count the number of congressmen who fight for working people tirelessly on your fingers and toes.

So in Congress every Democratic vote is precious. Progressives know how often a “for sale” sign pops up outside the offices of some Democrats. The Democratic Party passively betrays voters when it can’t even work up the enthusiasm to compete in some Congressional districts. In Florida, billionaire Stephen Bittel, a pal of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, literally purchased the Democratic state committee chair. And, for a price, liberals like Andrew Cuomo even become enemies of Constitutional protections.

There are too many back-stabbers in the party right now. We’re past due for some house-cleaning.

Within the Democratic Party there is a group called the Blue Dog Coalition. These are Democrats in name only, many from Red states, who vote Republican and from time to time become Republicans without anyone taking particular note. In the 115th Congress their coalition consists of Sanford Bishop (GA-2), Jim Cooper (TN-5), Jim Costa (CA-16), Henry Cuellar (TX-28), Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), Dan Lipinski (IL-3), Stephanie Murphy (FL-7), Collin Peterson (MN-7), Kurt Schrader (OR-5), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9), Mike Thompson (CA-5), and Filemon Vela (TX-34).

Nancy Pelosi appointed this last Blue Dog – Vela – to the DNC Steering Committee, apparently concerned less with his politics than with some sort of regional formula.

Then there are the out-and-out traitors.

During last year’s DNC platform committee meetings, six members appointed by Clinton – Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, Illinois Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, former EPA administrator Carol Browner, former Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman, Ohio State Rep. Alicia Reece and Paul Booth – all voted with CEO Bonnie Schaefer and former California Rep. Howard Berman to oppose the $15 minimum wage amendment. Shaefer and Berman were appointed by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

The DNC platform, which has yet to be rewritten, still supports fracking, the TPP, and refuses to condemn Israeli settlements.

In Colorado, Hillary Clinton’s SuperPAC consultants torpedoed a “Romneycare” single-payer healthcare proposal.

On January 12th, thirteen Democratic Senators voted with Republicans and Big Pharma, and against reducing drug costs for working people: Michael Bennet D-CO), Cory Booker D-NJ), Maria Cantwell D-WA), Thomas Carper D-DE), Bob Casey D-PA), Chris Coons D-DE), Joe Donnelly D-IN), Martin Heinrich D-NM), Heidi Heitkamp D-ND), Bob Menendez D-NJ), Patty Murray D-WA), Jon Tester D-MT), and Mark Warner D-VA). Even Ted Cruz, a Republican, voted for the lower prices.

Corey Booker not only voted against lower-cost healthcare, he is also a supporter of Betsy DeVos’s school choice programs. Bankrolled by not only Big Pharma, Booker is beholden to hedge funds that champion “school choice.”

The all-Democrat Baltimore City Council blocked a $15 minimum wage increase when it allied with business. It was remniscent of big city party machine politics under Rahm Emanuel, in which Obama’s “Bannon” turned out to be a union-busting thug.

On February 8th West Virginia’s Joe Manchin (D) voted to confirm Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General. As Sessions entered the chamber Manchin reportedly flashed him a thumbs-up.

With Democrats like this, who the hell needs Republicans?

You may not live in a state or congressional district with one of these back-stabbers, but you can certainly help “primary” them – see that they have progressive competition in the primaries, donate to their opponents, and help out in races in neighboring swing states. A few resources:

And where the Democratic Party can’t or won’t run a progressive, vote Green:

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