I often spend the morning reading the local paper, going online to look at mainstream and international news and commentary. Much of what I read is liberal, progressive or libertarian, but I also like (perhaps too strong a word) to see what conservatives are up to. As I’ve mentioned before, many are moving quickly from right to far right.
Recently I took a journey into an even darker corner of the conservative world – that is, the White House corner office of the president-elect’s advisor, Steve Bannon. My travel ticket was something Bannon himself published in his Breitbart News. It was a piece by Allum Bokhari and Milo Yiannopoulos, “An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right.”
Starting with this article, I used a little low-tech programming to follow the links of its “young, creative, and eager heretics” from page to page, bookmarking their journals, websites, blogs, blogrolls and followers. What I found was that many, if not most of the “Alt-Right,” are white supremacists, more than a few are antisemites, and their ranks are filled with young men who hate women.
Welcome to the Jugend of Trump’s new Republican Party.
Despite Yiannopoulos’ false characterization of Rush Limbaugh as hostile to these Young Bavarians, actually the reverse is true – mainstream conservatives are charmed. And if you’re not convinced how dangerous these lunatics can be, one of Trump and Bannon’s buddies is planning to terrorize the Jewish residents of Whitefish, Montana about a week from now.
As the mainstream press begins the process of ingratiating itself with Trump gatekeepers and generally cozying up to extremism in general, we’re about to witness the process of normalization of the bizarre, the freakish, the obscene, and the unconstitutional. Last week my local newspaper all but endorsed prison slave labor for building Trump’s “Mexican wall.” And mainstream TV networks are hopping on board the crazy train.
So if you want the young “creative heretics” of Trump’s Great America to show you their true colors, you’ll find links to their websites here and in an annotated version here.
You’re about to encounter a lot of white sheets and brown shirts.
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