We start with conservative publications often cited in other conservative publications. Although some promote fairly extreme views, it’s nothing you don’t hear in the halls of Congress (think of Rep. Steve King) or on Fox News (think – all of them). While a few publications have managed to remain realistically fiscally and moderately social conservative, most have become pretty extreme, even William F. Buckley’s National Review. This alone should scare the hell out of Americans who remember that not even Barry Goldwater or Ronald Reagan would say such crazy.
- American Conservative
- American Enterprise Institute
- American Interest
- American Outlook (Sagamore Institute)
- American Spectator
- American Thinker
- Ann Coulter
- Anonymous Conservative
- Bloomberg View
- Breitbart News
- Brookings Institution
- Campus Reform
- Cato Institute
- Chronicles
- City Journal
- Commentary
- Daily Mail
- Dissident Right
- Drudge Report
- Federalist
- Foundation for Economic Education
- FOX News
- Frontpage
- Globalist
- Heritage Foundation
- Ideas in Action
- Imaginative Conservative
- Independent
- Kathy Shaidle
- Laura Ingraham
- Libertarian Party
- MacLeans
- Mark Levin Show
- National Affairs
- National Interest
- National Journal Daily
- National Review
- New Criterion
- New Republic
- New York Post
- ParaPundit
- Pat Buchanan
- Policy Review
- Reason
- RedState
- Republican Party
- Richard Fernandez
- Roger Scruton
- Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
- Russell Kirk Center
- San Francisco Bay News
- Sean Hannity
- Taki’s Magazine
- Traditional Right
- Traditionalist Conservatism
- Washington Examiner
- Washington Times
- Weekly Standard
- WSJ Opinion & Reviews
They imagine themselves the Naughty Boys of the Right, and they have a catchy new name, but they are nothing more than white supremacists and neo-Nazis. The only difference between these guys and their skinheaded cousins is a hairdo and a college degree. Just like Goebbels and Speer. And they’ve found their Führer.
- Alternative Right
- Alternative Right Aggregator
- Brussels Journal
- Gatestone Institute
- Isegoria
- Jim’s Blog
- Malcolm Pollack
- Mitrailleuse
- National Policy Institute
- Radix Journal
- RamZPaul
- Richard B. Spencer
- RightOn
- Secular Right
- Trigger Warning
It is disappointing to discover that many Americans are not big supporters of democracy. Of course fifteen years of the Patriot Act hasn’t helped either. All these “Anti-Democrats” want is a dictator who will make the trains run on time and will charm them with their masculine wiles. Trump seems to really get these guys going.
- Aimless Gromar
- Anarcho-Monarchism
- Devin Helton
- Fred on Everything
- Hestia Society
- Jim Kalb
- Kill To Party
- Neoreaction Aggregator
- New International Outlook
- Social Matter
- Steve Sailer
- Sydney Trads
- Theden
- Throne, Altar, Liberty
- Valkyrie Politics
- West Coast Reactionaries
Keeping immigrants out is Step #1 in ensuring White purity. Some of these people try to wrap their white racist pork in scientific bacon (fake immigration “science”) for an extra helping of severely un-kosher baloney. But you can see through it pretty quickly.
- American Border Patrol
- American Family Association
- American Renaissance
- British National Party
- Christliches Forum
- Diversity Chronicle
- Diversity is Chaos
- Diversity Macht Frei
- Ed West
- Federation for American Immigration Reform
- Free Republic
- Gates of Vienna
- Generation Identitaire
- Human Stupidity
- Imaginative Conservative
- Jew Among You
- Jewish Defence League Canada
- Jihad Watch
- John Birch Society
- Liberty GB
- Luke Ford
- Middle East Forum
- New English Review
- NumbersUSA
- Truth Revolt
- Victory Girls
- Washington Free Beacon
Conservatives have never liked women all that much, between all that legislation controlling women’s bodies, and revulsion at the possibility that women might be as independent as men. But now a newer generation of misogynists is on the loose. They’re guys with views so offensive it’s understandable they can’t get dates. Which probably just makes things worse.
- Athol Kay
- D.J. Aurini
- Danger and Play
- Jack Donovan
- Judgy Bitch
- Other McCain
- Postmodern Jesus
- Red Pill Review
- Return of Kings
- Satoshi Kanazawa
- Seductivamente Atractivo
- Thumotic
- Dalrock
Virtually all these next groups fit into other hater categories, but they seem to have it out especially for Jews. And, no, these are not critics of Israel’s occupation or BDS activists. These are people who really do think Jews are devious space aliens from Satan’s loins, or the Holocaust is a conspiracy like the moon landing – or they’re just pissed because we won’t convert.
- 28 Sherman
- Aletho News
- Audacious Epigone
- Blogocrity
- Culture Wars Magazine and Fidelity Press
- Darkmoon
- Dienekes
- Exposing the Holocaust
- Fanghorn Forest
- Froude Society
- Henry Makow
- Holocaust Handbooks
- Holy War!
- Incog Man
- Institute for Historical Review
- Jew Watch News
- Kevin MacDonald
- Leo Frank Lynch Party
- National Prayer Network
- Occidental Observer
- Propertarian Forum
- ProThink
- Robert Lindsay
- Shylock Holmes
- Solar General
- Thinking Housewife
- Ugly Truth
- Veterans News Now
- Vox Day
- What Really Happened
This was an interesting surprise. Some of these basement dwellers abandoned Marx’s analysis that capitalism makes profits off worker’s labor and now think it’s all a plot to denigrate them as men and write off their Nietzschean qualities. Time to redecorate the man cave. Mom? Can I borrow $20?
A war is coming. The Jews, the Elites, asteroids, Altoids. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that life as we know it is about to change and only the strong will survive. Sometimes this isn’t quite so dramatic – instead there’s a nostalgia for the way things once were – like when the South had slavery. God, these people are messed up.
By far, this was the largest group that emerged as I began accumulating links. Yessir, give the “Alt-Right” boy a proper haircut – and it turns out he’s really a skinhead.
- Al Fin
- Alain de Benoist
- American Patriot Network
- Angry White Dude
- Anomaly
- Anti-Democracy
- Anti-Matter
- Arktos Media
- Aryan Street
- Atavisionary
- Atlantic Centurion
- Attack the System
- Avenging Red Hand
- BitTube
- Bloody Shovel
- Bonald
- Cambria Will Not Yield
- Captain Capitalism
- Christopher Cantwell
- Colin Flaherty
- Council of Conservative Citizens
- Council of European Canadians
- Counter Currents
- Creativity Alliance
- Daily Kenn
- Daily Stormer
- Darwinian Reactionary
- David Duke – KKK
- De Monarchia
- Death Metal Underground
- Deconstructing Leftism
- Education Realist
- Emil Kierkegaard
- Euro-Synergies
- Evo and Proud
- EvolutionistX
- Faith and Heritage
- Follow the White Rabbit
- Frank Salter
- Free Northerner
- Garrett Hardin Society
- Garvey’s Ghost
- Genocide Report
- Guillaume Faye
- Hail to You
- Henry Dampier
- Human Biodiversity
- Human Varieties
- Jacob Holdt: Ku Klux Klan
- Kevin Alfred Strom
- League of The South
- League of the South!
- Lone Wolf – Tom Metzger
- Majority Rights
- Matt Forney
- Metapedia
- Mindweapons in Ragnarok
- National Vanguard
- Nationalist Movement
- Neoreactionary Map
- New Observer
- Nobility
- Not Politically Correct
- Occidental Dissent
- Oriental Reactionary
- Outside In
- Pan-Criollismo
- Patriactionary
- Political Cesspool
- Poseidon Awoke
- Propertarianism
- race/history/evolution notes
- Radical Traditionalist
- Reactionary Future
- Reactionary Thought
- Reactivity Place
- Refugee Resettlement Watch
- Resistance
- Right Drama
- Right Stuff
- Social Pathologist
- Stormfront – White Nationalist
- The Unpopular Truth
- Tomislav Sunic
- Top Conservative News
- Total Fascism
- Traditionalist Youth Network
- Tribal Theocrat
- Unz Review
- Vanguard Network News Forum
- West Hunter
- West’s Darkest Hour
- Western Voices World News
- White Biocentrism
- White GeNOcide Project
- White Network
- White News Now
- White Resister
- Zippy
- Zundel Site
- Renew America
After a while I just couldn’t care anymore about which category they belonged in. There are just too many sociopaths and psychopaths who voted for Trump and have opinions like this:
- A House with No Child
- A Man Apart
- A Silent Sky
- Admiral Cod
- AfroTraditionalist
- Alrenous
- Amerika
- Anti-Puritan
- Bruce Charlton’s Miscellany
- Citadel Foundations
- Count Nothingface
- Darwinian Conservatism
- Death Rides a Pozzed Horse
- Dividuals
- Edward Feser
- Esoteric Traditionalist
- Eurogenes
- Ex-Army
- Face To Face
- Forward Base B
- Foseti
- Habital Worlds
- Handle’s Haus
- Hawaiian Libertarian
- hbdchick
- Heartiste
- Hurlock
- Hurlock
- I am Legionnaire
- Improprietary Influence
- Inductivist
- Information Processing
- iParallax
- Irish Monarchism
- Jayman
- Kakistocracy
- Larval Subjects
- Lawrence Glarus
- Losing the Creek
- Mad Monarchist
- Magus Janus
- Mami’s Shit
- Me In Words
- Migration Period
- Millenial Review
- Monarchist
- Neo-Ciceronian Times
- Neocolonial
- Neovictorian
- No Quarter Asked, No Quarter Given
- Nydwracu
- Occam’s Razor
- One Irradiated Watson
- Orthodox Laissez-fairist
- Orthosphere
- Oz Conservative
- PA
- Paris Hairline
- Part 2
- Pax Dickinson
- Peter Frost
- Peter Grant
- Prax Americana
- Psychological comments
- Quick Reactions
- Radical Royalist
- Radio Free New Jersey
- Radish
- Raptros
- Right Vidya
- Shitlord Hub
- Social Pathology
- Stuart Schneiderman
- Those Who Can See
- Traditionalist Blog
- Uncertain Certainty of God
- Unorthodoxy
- Unqualified Reservations
- Vanishing American
- Was Enlightened
- Wildism
- Wilson Revolution Unplugged
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