Jewish Federation of Greater New Bedford
Dear –,
This is a bit awkward. I am writing you in your capacity as President of the Federation, not as the old friend that you are to both of us.
Please ask the Federation to stop sending me appeals for donations. Deborah certainly holds her own views, but I am speaking for myself here.
My views on Zionism and Israel within our community are well-known, and these campaign appeals are unappreciated. I have previously asked the Federation to remove my name from its mailings, and it has ignored my requests. What other steps must I take to make this stop?
Zionism is not a religion. It is a remnant of 19th century nationalism, of a destructive and divisive type we have seen all over the world – in Germany, Serbia, Africa, and the Middle East. Nationalism is incompatible with democracy because within nationalist states there is always a preferred people, race, or religion – and its “others” always find themselves in its crosshairs. In Israel proper and in the occupied territories, Palestinians don’t have to wear yellow stars, but they might as well be required to. They are third-class citizens in Israel, and essentially non-humans in the West Bank.
Judaism, on the other hand, is a religion, and one in which ethics mean everything. It has evolved since the days of temples and priests, but apparently the fundamentalist conception of God literally conferring land ownership of Israel has not similarly evolved. Until modern day Messianism reared its ugly head after the Six Day War, many Jews believed that talking about a reconstituted Israel was an abomination. Now only the Satmars reject Zionism, but many progressive Jews believe that Zionism must be reigned-in and that Israel’s rejection of Two States leaves no other alternative for peace except a single, democratic, secular state. This is my view. I cannot consider myself a Zionist in any form.
Those who believe in a fusion of nationalism and religion remind me of the Islamic zealots who want their own religious state. Israel should strive to be a 21st century democracy and not a Jewish Caliphate. Most Americans believe in separation of church and state. Why, then, should we be expected to make an exception for Israel?
Since the program of the Federation is Zionist, I cannot support any of it. Please take my name off your list permanently. Thank you for your understanding. I hope this explains why I do not wish to have any donations given in my name.
David Ehrens
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