Tea Partier Linda Rapoza’s recent piece on school diets was just plain bizarre.
The fact that Democrats themselves squashed the issue didn’t stop Rapoza from fulminating at the “bake sale ban that never was” and using it as a springboard to unleash her kooky critique on liberal, socialist, and communist (I wish she’d try to keep them straight) “attacks” on individual civil rights.
Of course, when it comes to the Tea Party’s positions in support of government surveillance, attacks on a woman’s Right to Choose, sponsorship of anti-religious (anti-Muslim) laws, or intrusions into bedrooms via anti-gay positions, their views are diametrically opposite to those of most Americans: civil liberties be damned, coercion is warranted to move forward our conservative social agenda!
Rapoza whines about “Big Government’s” intrusion into religion. But again, the truth is quite the opposite. Instead, under Republicans there has been massive intrusion of [their – not my] religion into government and the public sphere, by politicians who seem to represent, or at least pander to, mainly a Christian constituency.
Dipping not just a toe but a whole leg into conspiracy theories, Rapoza claims Executive Presidential Order 13575 is part of a New World Order conspiracy (driven by the communist United Nations) to turn the future into an Orwellian nightmare. When you read this nonsense, take a deep breath. This is typical of who is running the Republican Party nowadays. In reality Order 13575 simply coordinates the various cabinet level organizations to better serve the 16% of the US population who live in rural America – basically the same principle behind DHS coordinating dozens of US security agencies. Glen Beck may be gone, but Rapoza is still spinning the same kind of chalkboard fantasies.
Rapoza goes on to elaborate her “1984” vision of the future, and it makes me wonder if she has a backyard bunker to go along with her bunker mentality. What she seems to find most nightmarish are government “approved” cars, trains, highways, and food. What she seems to prefer is a future in which poultry inspections are left to agribusiness, passengers fly in airplanes without inspections (er, “approval”), and highways are privatized. “Approved” versus “regulated.” It’s just a word, but one that demonstrates demagoguery, not faith in reason.
Rapoza goes on to claim, again without elaboration, that preparations for this nightmarish future are “already in the pipeline.” Really? I haven’t seen such disordered though since watching Mel Gibson in “Conspiracy Theory.”
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