Islamophobia over Bagels


This one comes from a Boston blogger who apparently thinks defending Israel is most properly done by bashing Muslims. The host is a Conservative Jewish congregation’s [oxymoronically named] Brotherhood group in Stoughton, Massachusetts. The speakers are an assortment of Islam bashers and miscellaneous wingnuts from both Judaism and Christianity.

What could be more spiritual and serve the purposes of interfaith relations than bashing a 3rd religion over bagels? > “Islam as Religion and the Strategies of Denial and Delusion” is the topic of a panel discussion to be held at Ahavath Torah Congregation in Stoughton. The temple’s brotherhood is sponsoring the discussion and a Sunday brunch on August 23rd at 9:45 a.m.   The panel will include Rebecca Bynum, Hugh Fitzgerald and Jerry Gordon. Rebecca Bynum is publisher and senior editor of** New English Review** and board member of World Encounter Institute. Among her areas of interest are the intersection of religion and ideology and the nature of interfaith dialogue.  Her book, Allah Is Dead is due to be published this year.  Hugh Fitzgerald is a board member of World Encounter Institute and senior editor of New English Review.  He has appeared in Free Republic, American Nation and Earliest Christianity.  He is also a senior analyst for Jihad Watch, with a focus on the challenge of Islamic aggression toward Israel and the U.S.  Jerry Gordon is a former Army Intelligence officer who served during the Viet Nam era. Mr. Gordon has published widely in such outlets as, The American Thinker, WorldNetDaily, ChronWatch, The New English Review, and Israpundit. He has been a frequent guest discussing Middle East issues on radio in the U.S. and Canada. He is a graduate of B.U. and Columbia University.    Cost of the brunch is $10 for members of the temple and Rep. Jewish Comm. (co-sponsor), $15 for everyone else.  RSVP to the synagogue office at 781.344.8733 or e-mail

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