The Bush administration has managed to bring us to the brink of, if not surely into, yet another reckless war. To this administration, the Axis of Evil consists of nations that might develop nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. It claims to have proof that Iraq is developing weapons of mass destruction and is concerned about North Korea’s abandonment of the Non-Proliferation treaty.
But frankly the people who really scare me are the ones who already have nuclear and chemical weapons and all-too-itchy trigger fingers.
The United States sells 45% of the world’s armaments. It has 10,000 nukes and 52 tons of excess plutonium. The U.S. has the world’s largest non-nuclear bombs such as the daisy cutter. A 10,000-acre facility in Utah is only one of several, which stores U.S. supplies of chemical weapons, and there are lingering doubts that we have fully abandoned our biological weapons program. The United States now has most of the worldís weapons of mass destruction, and we are the only country to have ever vaporized human beings with nuclear weapons.
There is no reason for a war in Iraq or anywhere else on earth. If this administration has proof of Iraq’s weapons programs, now is the time to cough it up. If it is concerned about North Koreaís rejection of non-proliferation agreements, let it also pressure its friends India, Pakistan, and Israel, which have never signed this agreement. And let us abandon the Star Wars program and re-embrace the Anti-Ballistic treaties the Bush administration unilaterally abandoned.
This administration, which came to power under shadowy circumstances, has utterly failed to protect us, failed to ensure our economic security, failed to protect our civil liberties, and failed in its accountability to the American people. If we are looking for a regime to change, I suggest we look in our own back yard. Another war will not make us any more secure.
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